The physical distance between Cornish houses can stretch out for many miles, and public transport between them is typically infrequent and overpriced. In many parts of Cornwall, internet access is still slow, and in some places, un-obtainable. Whilst this can be a nuisance for many adults, it can be incredibly detrimental to the lives of young people. Without the proximity of support and services, the future of this country is quickly becoming hidden in the hills.
Young people selected from different communities across Cornwall were interviewed about their experiences of isolation. These interviews have been brought together to form one shared story. Recordings from the Cornish countryside were also embedded alongside other sounds to try and create a more immersive experience.
Created by British composer and sound designer Chris Baker, this audio work is a combination of sound and speaking. ‘Hidden in the Hills’ is a sonic painting that aims to be both creative and inventive, whilst also highly relevant to modern Britain.
You can listen to the project on BBC iPlayer: